Walking - St Ives Estate, Harden in West Yorkshire

To reach St Ives Estate there are two entrances. One entrance is on Harden Road and the other on Keighley Road. It doesn’t matter which entrance you take., they both lead to the same places within the estate.

Orange arrows - Entrances to the estate

Black triangle - Main Parking in this blog

Blue stars - Other Parking

There are quite a few different routes you can walk in the estate, but the one I walk is starting from the pond (Black triangle on first map above) and walking in a loop that oversees Riddlesden. In this guide, I will take you on this route.

This is one of the entrances to the walk. Go through here and walk along the track beside Coppice Pond. When you reach the end of the pond, carry on the track leading into the woodland.

After 5 minutes or so, you will come acrross Lady Blantyre’s Rock. You may read the inscription under the rock if you like. When you’ve read it, follow the main path.

Just beyond the Rock is a moor, you can wander around here, but be careful of the boggy areas, and be sure to be on the look out for deer, buzzards and red kites. I tend to tuck my trousers in to my walking boot socks in case of any ticks around.

At the top of the path you can follow the sign on this side of the wall

When you reach this point, you can either go through the field, and head towards the lower right corner and turn right on the track, or keep walking along the path. In this guide I will take you along the path.

After going through here, you can either….

  1. Walk towards the left and across the track and up a muddy path leading to a view of the valley below

  2. Walk through the wood (entrance on the left of this image on the bridleway.) ( If you take this route, when you reach a right hand turn, take this route through the gap in the wall and gate and walk left along the bridleway)

  3. Follow the bridleway towards your right and follow it around.

Follow the bridleway around on the right, past the Golf Clubhouse and past the car park. Turn right at the end, and follow it back to where you started.

There are many different routes you can take within St. Ives Estate, you just have to find them. I doubt you can get lost.